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The Ordination Pathway

This three-fold approach is applied to two separate paths:

Conference Deacon or Ordination as an Elder

Both paths begin in the same way: When one senses a call to ministry, s/he will meet with their local church pastor to begin a process of prayerful discernment.  If the individual, the pastor, and the church board are in agreement, the woman or man sensing a call to ministry will begin the journey at the first stage as a Local Ministerial Candidate (LMC).  After a certain pre-determined level of mentoring, coursework, and ministry experience is met, the candidate and mentor will prayerfully determine the next steps:  apply their training to continued lay ministry, enter the path toward Conference Deacon, or begin the path of Conference Ministerial Candidate (CMC) toward possible ordination as Elder in the Free Methodist Church.

What is required of someone seeking ordination as an elder in the Free Methodist Church?

We seek to develop the heart, head, and hands of women and men called into ministry through a process involving mentoring relationships, academic courses, and practical hands-on ministry. The Head, Heart, Hands model outlines 15 outcomes that are developed through the Ordination Process.






What steps are required in the process?


The required steps in the ordination process are outlined in the Free Methodist Book of Discipline. 

The Three Stages
of the ordination process

This contact form is used to open dialogue regarding your first or next step in ministerial credentialing through the Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist Church.

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Becoming a Local Ministerial Candidate

An individual, sensing the call of God and the church to pastoral ministry, is first licensed as a local ministerial candidate (LMC). The call is affirmed by service in the local church where initial training begins.


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Becoming a Conference Ministerial Candidate

The inividual is accepted by the annual conference as a conference ministerial candidate (CMC) or conference deacon candidate. The candidate also prepares for the third step through course work and service.


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Becoming Ordained as Elder or Consecrated as Conference Deacon

Upon meeting the respective core competencies and approval by the conference Ministerial Education and Guidance (MEG) Board, a candidate is recommended for consecration as a conference deacon or for ordination as an elder and as elder becomes a full member of the annual conference upon approval.


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Preparing for Your Next Academic Step?

Find Course Listings HERE
and check out this overview for more.

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Need Academic Financial Assistance?

The Oregon Conference of the Free Methdodist Church is privileged to administer the Liesinger Memorial Scholarship Fund for students in the Oregon Conference preparing for vocational ministry.  A limited amount of funds are available each spring for applicants preparing for the next academic school year.  Submit your application at the button above or contact for additional information.

© 2024 Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist Church. All Rights Reserved.

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